Table of Contents:
  • Introduction : Opium's history in China / Timothy Brook and Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi
  • Opium for China : the British connection / Gregory Blue
  • From peril to profit : opium in late-Edo to Meiji eyes / Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi
  • Drugs, taxes, and Chinese capitalism in Southeast Asia / Carl A. Trocki
  • The Hong Kong opium revenue, 1845-1885 / Christopher Munn
  • Opium in Xinjiang and beyond / David Bello
  • Drug operations by resident Japanese in Tianjin / Motohiro Kobayashi
  • Opium/leisure/Shanghai : urban economies of consumption / Alexander Des Forges
  • Opium and modern Chinese state-making / R. Bin Wong
  • Opium and the state in late-Qing Sichuan / Judith Wyman
  • Poppies, patriotism, and the public sphere : nationalism and state leadership in the anti-opium crusade in Fujian, 1906-1916 / Joyce A. Madancy
  • The National Anti-Opium Association and the Guomindang state, 1924-1937 / Edward R. Slack Jr.
  • Opium control versus opium suppression : the origins of the 1935 six-year plan to eliminate opium and drugs / Alan Baumler
  • The responses of opium growers to eradication campaigns and the poppy tax, 1907-1949 / Lucien Bianco
  • Opium and collaboration in Central China, 1938-1940 / Timothy Brook
  • An opium tug-of-war : Japan versus the Wang Jingwei regime / Motohiro Kobayashi
  • Resistance to opium as a social evil in wartime China / Mark S. Eykholt
  • Nationalism, identity, and state-building : the antidrug crusade in the People's Republic, 1949-1952 / Zhou Yongming.