Table of Contents:
  • Doing spsa
  • some reflective experience
  • Introduction
  • Stage 1. find out how things are: reflection
  • Stage 2. understand the context for sustainability indicators: reflection/connection
  • Stage 3. gathering the stakeholders in the sustainability indicator process: reflection/connection
  • Stage 4. get clear on methods: connection
  • Stage 5. identify the stakeholder coalition: connection
  • Stage 6. identify and agree the main sustainability indicators: connection/modeling
  • Stage 7. identify and agree the band of equilibrium: modeling
  • Stage 8. develop the amoeba in a collaborative fashion: modeling/doing
  • Stage 9. think about how the amoeba extends over time: modeling/doing
  • Stage 10. unpack and understand the amoeba: futures modeling/doing
  • Stage 11. responding to good and bad amoeba: policy implications. doing
  • Stage 12. making changes in the sustainability indicator mix in the light of practice: doing/reflecting.
  • New frontiers of practice
  • Introduction
  • New ways of thinking about sustainability indicators
  • Other dimensions to sustainability indicators: a new synthesis (Kolb learning cycle)
  • Applying the learning cycle in sustainable development.