Table of Contents:
  • Introduction: finding a context for Jesus / Craig Evans
  • The misplaced Jesus : interpreting Jesus in a Judaic context / Craig Evans. Response: Mapping a place for Jesus / Bruce Chilton
  • Contexts of comparison : reciprocally reading Gospels' and rabbis' parables / Jacob Neusner. Response: Neusner's "Contexts of comparison" / Gary Herion
  • The Gospels and rabbinic Halakah / Herbert Basser. Response: Reconstructing the Halakah of Jesus : appropriating early and late sources / Craig Evans
  • Getting it right : Jesus, James, and questions of sanctity / Bruce Chilton. Response: Dividing it right : who is a Jew and what is a Christian? / Scott Langston
  • Conclusion: Jesus within Judaism / Bruce Chilton
  • Some significant dates in the history of Judaism and Christianity.