Table of Contents:
  • Spain's multilingual make-up: beyond, within and across Babel / M. Teresa Turell
  • pt. 1. The larger established minorities. The Catalan-speaking communities / Miguel Àngel Pradilla ; The Basque-speaking communities / Jasone Cenoz and Josu Perales ; The Galician speech community / Carme Hermida
  • pt. 2. The smaller established minorities. The Occitan speech community of the Aran Valley / Jordi Suils and Àngel Huguet ; The Asturian speech community / Roberto González-Quevedo ; The sign language communities / Rosa Vallverdú
  • pt. 3. The other established minorities. The Gitano communities / Àngel Marzo and M. Teresa Turell ; The Jewish communities / Bárbara Vigil
  • pt. 4. The new migrant minorities. The Brazilian community / M. Teresa Turell and Neiva Lavratti ; The Cape Verdean community / Lorenzo López Trigal ; The Chinese community / Joaquín Beltrǹ and Cresen García ; The Italian community / Rosa M. Torrens ; The Maghrebi communities / Belén Garí ; The Portuguese community / Lorenzo López Trigal ; The UK community / M. Teresa Turell and Cristina Corcoll ; The US American speech community / M. Teresa Turell and Cristina Corcoll.