Table of Contents:
  • Context and culture in language teaching and learning / Mike Byram and Peter Grundy
  • From practice to theory and back again / Claire Kramsch
  • Carrying a baby in the back: teaching with an awareness of the cultural construction of language / Randal Holme
  • Autobiographical contexts of mono-cultural and bi-cultural students and their significance in foreign language literature courses / Christiane Facke
  • Learning culture by communicating: native-non-native speaker telephone interactions / Gisele Holtzer
  • Exporting methodologies: the reflective approach in teacher training / Ana Halbach
  • 'We would have to invent the language we are supposed to teach': the issue of english as Lingua Franca in language education in Germany / Helene Decke-Cornill
  • Teaching India in the EFL-classroom: a cultural or an intercultural approach? / Reinhold Wandel
  • European communicative integration: the function of foreign language teaching for the development of a European public sphere / Stephan Breidbach
  • Context, culture and construction: research implications of theory formation in foreign language methodology / Michael Wendt.