Table of Contents:
  • The politics of autobiography in Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley / Gary Kelly
  • The personal pronoun as political: stylistics of self-reference in the vindications / D.L. Macdonald
  • The power of the unnamed you in Mary Wollstonecrafts' Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark / Syndy McMillen Conger
  • Reveries of reality: Mary Wollstonecraft's poetics of sensibility / Lawrence R. Kennard
  • "The history of my own heart": inscribing self, inscribing desire in Wollstonecraft's Letters from Norway / Eleanor Ty
  • (Un)confinements: the madness of motherhood in Mary Wollstonecraft's The wrongs of woman / S. Leigh Matthews
  • Mary Wollstonecraft and Harriet Jacobs: self possessions / Jeanne Perreault
  • Memoirs discourse and William Godwin's Memoirs of the author of a vindication of the rights of woman / Helen M. Buss
  • A mother's daughter: an intersection of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Mary Wollstonecraft's A vindication of the rights of woman / Charles E. Robinson
  • Mary Shelley: writing/other women in Godwin's Life / Judith Barbour
  • "Unconceiving marble": anatomy and animation in Frankenstein and The last man / Anne McWhir
  • Further thoughts on the education of daughters: Lodore as an imagined conversation with Mary Wollstonecraft / Lisa Vargo
  • Speaking the unspeakable: art criticism as life writing in Mary Shelley's Rambles in Germany and Italy / Jeanne Moskal
  • Biographical imaginings and Mary Shelley's (extant and missing) correspondence
  • Reflections on writing Mary Shelley's life / Anne K. Mellor
  • Caves of fancy / Rose Scollard.