Table of Contents:
  • Where internet service providers and telephone companies compete: a guide to the Computer inquiries, enhanced service providers, and information service providers / Robert Cannon
  • Broadband architectures, ISP business plans, and open access / Shawn O'Donnell
  • Regulatory treatment of IP transport and services / Joshua L. Mindel and Marvin A. Sirbu
  • Rethinking the design of the internet: the end-to-end arguments vs. the brave new world / Marjory S. Blumenthal and David D. Clark
  • The InterNAT: policy implications of the internet architecture debate / Hans Kruse, William Yurcik, and Lawrence Lessig
  • The potential for scrutiny of internet peering policies in multilateral forums / Rob Frieden
  • Wireline vs. wireless internet access: comparing the United States and Japan
  • Emily Moto Murase
  • Developing telecommunications infrastructure: state and local policy collisions / Sharon Strover and Lon Berquist
  • From C to shining C: competition and cross-subsidy in communications / Gregory L. Rosston and Bradley S. Wimmer
  • Unexpected outcomes in digital divide policy: what children really do in the public library / Christian Sandvig
  • Accessibility of broadband telecommunications services by various segments of the American population / David Gabel and Florence Kwan
  • Reexamining the digital divide / Benjamin M. Compaine
  • Sorting out the search engine market / Neil Gandal
  • Copyright in the age of distributed applications / Seth D. Greenstein
  • Should congress establish a compulsory license for internet video providers to retransmit over-the-air TV station programming via the internet? / Michael Wirth and Larry Collette.