Table of Contents:
  • pt. 1. 1750-1850. 1. All Montesquieu's sons: the place of esprit general, caractere national, and moeurs in French political philosophy, 1748-1789. 2. After the Revolution: Stael on political morality. 3. From republicanism to industrialism and national character: Melchiorre Gioja, Charles Dupin, and Continental political economy, 1800-1848. 4. The French Restoration dispute over mores and Tocqueville. 5. Between Whiggism and the science of manners: Britain, 1750-1800. 6. British views on Irish national character, 1800-1846
  • pt. 2. 1850-1914. 7. The demise of John Bull: social sciences in Britain, 1850-1914. 8. Durkheim's collective representations and their background. 9. Socializing public spirit, 1870-1914.