Table of Contents:
  • The federal government and the Republican court move to Philadelphia, November 1790-March 1791 / Kenneth R. Bowling
  • Philadelphia as the nation's capital, 1790-1800 / Anna Coxe Toogood
  • Egbert Benson: a nationalist in Congress, 1789-1793 / Dohn D. Gordan III
  • The financier as senator: Robert Morris of Pennsylvania, 1789-1795 / Elizabeth M. Nuxoll
  • In opposition: the congressional career of William Branch Giles, 1790-1798 / Mary A. Giunta
  • A congressional wife at home: the case of Sarah Thatcher, 1787-1792 / William C. diGiacomantonio
  • Separation of powers? relations between the judiciary and other branches of the federal government before 1803 / Wythe Holt
  • French cruisers, British prizes, and American sailors: coordinating American foreign policy in the age of fighting sails / William R. Casto
  • "The line of my official conduct": George Washington and Congress, 1789-1797 / Jack D. Warren, Jr.
  • "The art and address of ministerial management": Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton and Congress / Joanne B. Freeman
  • "Father and protector": President John Adams and Congress in the quasi-war crisis / John Ferling.