Table of Contents:
  • Foreword: The flat-earthers of social theory / Bruno Latour
  • 1. Introduction: from the science of accounts to the financial accountability of science / Michael Power
  • 2. Making things quantitative / Theodore M. Porter
  • 3. Natural and artificial budgets: accounting for Goethe's economy of nature / Myles W. Jackson
  • 4. A calculating profession: Victorian actuaries among the statisticians / Timothy L. Alborn
  • 5. The factory as laboratory / Peter Miller and Ted O'Leary
  • 6. Connecting science to the economic: accounting calculation and the visibility of research and development / Keith Robson
  • 7. Governing science: patents and public sector research / Brad Sherman
  • 8. On customers and costs: a story from public sector science / John Law and Madeleine Akrich
  • 9. A visible hand in the marketplace of ideas: precision measurement as arbitrage / Philip Mirowksi
  • 10. Toward a philosophy of science accounting: a critical rendering of instrumental rationality / Steve Fuller.