Table of Contents:
  • Use of stories in psychotherapy
  • Importance of the archetypal feminine ; Sir Gawain and the Lady Ragnell : what do women really want? ; Challenge to change
  • Feminism and the psychology of C.G. Jung
  • Feminist theory and therapy ; Reconstructing the dominant conscious attitude ; Animus and a woman's sense of herself ; Stages of animus development ; Individuation as a developmental model ; Competing realities in the interactional field
  • C.G. Jung and Harry Stack Sullivan
  • Interpersonal meets intrapsychic : a comparative dialogue ; Sullivan's stages of personality development
  • Enacting the complex : hag, hero and bully
  • Psychology of a hag ; Louise as the hag ; Social aspects of the negative mother ; Larry as the hero ; Hero as a collective problem ; Bully role ; Negative mother complex
  • Embracing the hag in middle life
  • Assessing the potential loss ; Dominance and possession ; Understanding the repressed feminine ; Love and free choice ; Louise and Larry embrace the hag
  • Methodology in couple therapy
  • Guidelines for therapists ; Initial contact with clients ; Strategies and techniques ; Format of sessions ; Stages of couple therapy ; Therapist training
  • Identification with a complex versus enactment
  • On being and doing the hag ; On being and doing the bully ; Alternative forms of treatment
  • Conclusion : Vitality through connection
  • Gawain and the Lady Ragnell (from The maid of the north and other folktale heroines
  • Psychosexual assessment
  • Developmental assessment in context.