Table of Contents:
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Theoretical Framework
  • 3. The Corporate-Managerial State, Gender, and Sport
  • 4. Structures of Labor, Power, and Cathexis
  • 5. "Doing" Affirmative Action
  • 6. The Write Stuff? Media Representations of Affirmative Action in Australian Sport
  • 7. Hegemonic Masculinity and the Gender Politics of Affirmative Action Policy Research
  • 8. One Cheer for Affirmative Action
  • App. 1. Organizational Affiliations of Interviewees
  • App. 2. Questionnaire on the Status of Women Sport Executives
  • App. 3. Quantitative Summaries of Australian Respondents' Perceptions of Their Organizations.