Table of Contents:
  • 1. Multicultural Education as a Form of Resistance to Oppression
  • 2. Gender as a Mediator of Racial Consciousness
  • 3. Political Perspectives about Difference and Inequality
  • 4. Resisting Racial Awareness: How Teachers Understand the Social Order from their Social Locations
  • 5. This Curriculum is Multicultural ... Isn't It?
  • 6. Reflections on my Use of Multicultural and Critical Pedagogy when Students are White
  • 7. Multicultural Education, Social Positionality, and Whiteness
  • 8. Race, Class, Gender and Abandoned Dreams / Christine E. Sleeter and Carl A. Grant
  • 9. Teaching Science for Social Justice
  • 10. Power and Privilege in White Middle Class Feminist Discussions of Gender and Education
  • 11. Multicultural Education as Social Movement
  • 12. Educating the New Majority: A Play.