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|a A note to brothers and sisters -- A note to parents -- He won't be able to walk and talk, Jessica 3 -- I like it best when I'm tickling her, Emmy 4 -- Sometimes she pulls my hair, Chanel 4 -- I go to school with my brother, Carla 5 -- I feel a bit left out, Jane 5 -- I felt sad when Ginni was in hospital, Lakshmi 5 -- Craig's really good in goal, Liam 6 -- Sometimes I get quite embarrassed, Nicole 6 -- He wakes me up, Jack 7 -- I am thinking he might die, Laurie 7 -- I feel sad because she has to go to hospital, William 73/4 -- Me and my sister tease him, Daniel 8 -- I like to see people talking to my brother, Elizabeth 8 -- We watch TV and he gets all excited, Lewis 8 -- You know how to do more stuff, Tamara 8 -- People stare, Anna 9 -- We have to play things with Faris instead, Ayla 9 & Amani 6 -- I have to control my temper, Brandon 10 -- Sometimes we play football on our knees, Jordi 10 -- I didn't see him for 6 weeks, Nathaniel 11 -- I get fun days out too, Sian 11 -- He really changes his moods, Emma 11 -- I see his disability as an advantage, Amar 11 -- She went to school in Scotland, Camilla 11 -- We have to be very patient, Oliver 12 -- Helen was getting all the attention, Eve 12 -- Our budgies are good for him, Jennifer 12 -- I get to chat to others my age, Kirsten 13 -- I tried to find out more, Stephanie 13 -- Mum and dad buy tosh lots of toys, Rosanna 13 -- I've found this very hard to deal with, Ben 14 -- They aggravate me, Christopher 14 -- What's going to happen to her? Daniel 15 -- I used to love the Christmas parties, Lauren 15 -- Anger versus love, Emma 15 -- I took time out to be with him, Emma 16 -- I think, is it time for him to go? Dan 16 -- We are unable to take holidays together, Joanne 17 -- I worry about Kirsty sometimes, John 17 & Paul 12 -- I am always offered one of his sweets, Laura.