Interlinkages and the effectiveness of multilateral environmental agreements

Main Author: Chambers, W. Bradnee.
Corporate Author: ebrary, Inc.
Format: Book
Published: New York : United Nations University Press, 2008.
Online Access:
Table of Contents:
  • From Stockholm to Johannesburg via Malmθo : a historical overview of international coordination of environment-sustainable development institutions
  • Legal mechanisms and coordination systems for promoting and managing interlinkages between multilateral environmental agreements
  • Towards an improved understanding of effectiveness of international treaties
  • Interlinkages and legal effectiveness : laying the foundations of an analytical framework
  • The interlinkages of plant genetic resources : the Convention on Biological Diversity and FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
  • The interlinkages of plant genetic resources : the CBD and ITPGRFA and their relationship with the TRIPS agreement
  • Conclusions for public international law and treaty management.