Table of Contents:
- 1. Leadership and Autocracy
- 2. Despotism, Tyranny andTotalitarianism
- Excursus 1: Alexander - One Man's Despotism
- 3.Primitive Despotism: African Tribal Society
- 4. Despotism in ArchaicSociety: the Egyptian Old Kingdom
- 5. Oriental Despotism: EarlyUnified China
- 6. Despotism in Classical Society
- 7. DynasticDespotism: the Ptolemies
- 8. Depredatory Despotism: Timur the Tartar
- 9. Constitutional Despotism: Henry VIII
- 10. Absolute Despotism:Ivan the Terrible and Louis XIV
- 11. Ecclesiastical Despotism: theBorgias
- 12. Enlightened Despotism: an Eighteenth-century EuropeanPhenomenon
- 13. Revolutionary Despotism: the French Revolution andits Aftermath
- 14. 'Proletarian' Despotism: Stalin and the GreatTerror
- 15. Populist Despotism: Peron of Argentina
- 16. ReligiousDespotism: Messianism and Fundamentalist Islam
- 17. MilitaryDespotism: Uganda and the Rule of Idi Amin
- Excursus 2: ParvenuDespotism: the Case of Saddam Hussein.