Item Description: | Introductory matter in German; Byzantine Greek texts with German translations. On p. preceding text of the Epistula synodica: Die Epistula synodica mit deutscher Ubersetzung: Epistula synodica patriarcharum orientalium Christophori Alexandriae, Iob Antiochiae, Basilii Hierosolymae ad Theophilum imperatorem Constantinopolitanem scripta in S. Resurrexione de sanctis et venerandis imaginibus. At head of text of the Epistula synodica: Epistole ton hagiotaton patriarchon Christophorou Alexandreias, Iov Antiocheias, Vasileiou Hierosolymon pros ton vasilea Theophilon Konstantinoupoleos, grapheisa en te hagia Anastasei peri ton hagion kai timion kai sevasmion eikonon ... = Brief der heiligsten Patriarchen Christophoros von Alexandreia, Job von Antiocheia, Basileios von Jerusalem an Kaiser Theophilos zu Konstantinopel, geschrieben in der Kirche der Hl. Auferstehung zum Thema der heiligen, kostbaren und ehrwurdigen Bilder ... Also includes the Greek text with German translation of another version called the Epistula ad Theophilum. Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--Universitat Koln, 1993. |