Integrated network management, III= Integrated network management, 3= Integrated network management, three : proceedings of the IFIPTC6/WG6.6 third International Symposium on Integrated NetworkManagement : with participation of the IEEE Communications Society CNOMand with support from the Institute for Educational Services, SanFrancisco, California, USA, 18-23 April, 1993/

Corporate Authors: IFIP TC6/WG6.6 International Symposium on Integrated Network Management San Francisco, California), IEEE Communications Society. Committee on Network Operations &Management, Institute for Educational Services (San Francisco, Calif.)
Other Authors: Hegering, Heinz-Gerd,, Yemini, Yechiam
Format: Book
Published: Integrated network management, three Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1993
Series:IFIP transactions. C, Communication systems C-12
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