Cutting propagation : a guide to propagating and producing floriculture crops /

Other Authors: Dole, John M., Gibson, James L.
Format: Book
Published: Batavia, IL. : Ball Publishing, c2006.
Table of Contents:
  • Propagation basics - - Propagation industry - - Stock plant management - - Media - - Temperature and light - - Water - - Stock plant and cutting nutrition - - Rooting hormones and plant growth regulators - - Disease management - - Insect, mite, and slug management - - Structures and equipment - - Postharvest - - Cutting propagation of specialty bedding plants - - Cutting propagation of herbaceous perennials - - Cutting propagation of specialty cut flowers - - Cutting propagation of foliage plants - - Achimenes - - Angelonia - - Antirrhinum - - Argyranthemum - - Asclepias - - Aste - - Begonia, Hiemalis - - Begonia, Rex - - Begonia, Wax - - Bougainvillea - - Bracteantha - - Calibrachoa - - Campanula - - Chrysanthemum - - Clerodendrum - - Crossandra - - Cuphea - - Dahlia - - Dianthus, Cut - - Dianthus, Pot - - Diascia - - Euphorbia - - Evolvulus - - Exacum - - Fuchsia - - Gardenia - - Gypsophila - - Hedera - - Helichrysum - - Heliotrope - - Hibiscus - - Hydrangea - - Impatiens, Bedding - - Impatiens, New Guinea - - Ipomea - - Kalanchoe - - Lamium - - Lantana - - Lavandula - - Lobelia - - Lysimachia - - Nemesia - - Osteospermum - - Pelargonium - - Penta - - Petunia - - Plectrantus - - Portulaca - - Rhododendron - - Rosa - - Salvia - - Sanvitalia - - Scaevola - - Schlumbergera and Hatiora - - Solenostemon - - Solidago - - Sutura and Jamesbrittania - - Torenia - - Tradescantia - - Verbena - - Vinca.