Metallurgy: the art of extracting metals from their ores, and adapting them to various purposes of manufacture/

Main Author: Percy, John
Format: Book
Published: Eindhoven: De Archaeologische Pers Nederland, [1986]
Table of Contents:
  • Contents: V.1,pt.1. Fuel, Fire Clays. V.1,pt.2. Copper, Zinc, Brass. V.1.suppl. Percy's metallurgy 1861-1880. V.2,pt.1. Properties of Iron , Iron ores, direct reduction processes. V.2,pt.2. Iron: Indirect reduction processes. V.2,pt.3. Wrought Iron, Steel. V.3,pt.1. Lead desilverization. V.3,pt.2. Lead. V.4,pt.1. Properties of silver, Silver ores and assaying. V.4,pt.2. Silver.