Vie de Symeon le Fou et Vie de Jean de Chypre= Bios kai politeia tou abba Symeon tou dia Christon eponomasthentos Salou. French & Greek= Vie de Jean de Chypre/

Main Author: Λεόντιος, Επίσκοπος Νεαπόλεως Κύπρου, 7ος αι.
Other Authors: Festugiere, Andre Jean,, Ryden, Lennart,
Format: Book
Published: Vie de Jean de Chypre Paris: P. Geuthner, 1974
Series:Institut francais d'archeologie de Beyrouth. Bibliotheque archeologique et historique t. 95
Item Description:Greek texts and French translations of Bios kai politeia tou abba Symeon tou dia Christion esponomasthentos Salou and of Leontiou episkopou Neapoleoes tes Kyprion nesou eis ta leipomena tou biou tou en hagiois patros hemon kai archiepiskopou Alexandreias Ioannou tou eleemonos.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Physical Description:x, 637 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 25 cm.