Purchasing power parities and real expenditures= EKS results= GK results= Parites de pouvoir d'achat et depenses reelles, 1990 : EKS results vol. 1 1990/

Corporate Author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Department of Economics and Statistics
Format: Book
Published: Parites de pouvoir d'achat et depenses reelles, 1990 Paris: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1992
Item Description:EKS, i.e. Elteto-K_oves-Szulc method of aggregation used in vol.1. Cf.v.1, p.4; GK, i.e. Geary-Khamis method of aggregation used in vol.2.Cf. v.2, p.3.
Chiefly statistical tables for all 24 OECD countries.
Physical Description:67p. ; 32 cm.