The diversity of international law: essays in honour of professor Kalliopi K. Koufa/

Other Authors: Κωνσταντινίδης, Αριστοτέλης Κ., Ζάϊκος, Νίκος
Format: Book
Published: Leiden ; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009
Table of Contents:
  • Observations sur la consolidation des valeurs communes en droit des gens contemporain / Christian Dominice
  • Les regles d'ordre public en droit international / Constantin P. Economides
  • Constitutional problems of investor-state arbitration / Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann
  • Multiculturalism and contemporary international law and law-making / Edward McWhinney
  • The Security Council as legislator / Tullio Treves
  • The participation of NGOs in the international regulatory function / Maria Clelia Ciciriello
  • Issues concerning parallel proceedings in international dispute settlement / Francisco Orrego-Vicuna
  • The creation of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea as a specialized court / Hugo Caminos
  • Reflections on dispute settlement in the light of recent arbitrations involving Eritrea / John G. Merrills
  • The protection of nationals abroad : Russia's use of force in Georgia / Christine Gray
  • State sovereignty in times of terrorism / Rafael Nieto-Navia
  • Causes worth fighting for : is there a non-state jus ad bellum? / Frederic Megret
  • Security and human rights : balance or fear? / Pieter van Dijk
  • Protecting human rights vis-a-vis 'targeted' UN Security Council sanctions / Torsten Stein
  • Targeted anti-terrorist sanctions and their implications for international law normative and institutional coherency / Pavel Sturma and Veronika Bilkova. International law, the sharia and international terrorism : a critical assessment of the role of Pakistan in the 'war on terror' / Javaid Rehman
  • Prohibited discrimination in international human rights law / Dinah Shelton
  • Freedom of expression and the protection of private life in the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights : a field of tension / Christos Rozakis
  • European human rights law and Turkey's violations in the occupied areas of Cyprus / Van Coufoudakis
  • Beyond the duty to protect : expanding accountability and responsibilities of the state in combating human trafficking / Roza Pati
  • The United Nations declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples / Siegfried Wiessner
  • Indigenous peoples' rights to their natural resources / Erika-Irene Daes
  • Inside/outside : women and the international human rights system / Hilary Charlesworth
  • Harmonising the individual protection regime : some reflections on the relationship between human rights and international humanitarian law in the light of the right to life / Vera Gowlland-Debbas
  • The viability of a convention for the protection of internally displaced persons / Fausto Pocar
  • Les droits des victimes des actes terroristes / Emmanuel Decaux
  • The United Nations and drug policy : towards a human rights-based approach / Damon Barrett and Manfred Nowak. La protection diplomatique : du standard minimum de traitement des etrangers aux droits de l'homme / Mohamed Bennouna
  • State responsibility for international crimes : a review of principles of reparation / Andre Nollkaemper
  • La legitime defense a-t-elle sa place dans un code sur la responsabilite internationale? / Theodore Christakis and Karine Bannelier
  • Defining genocide / William Schabas
  • Crimes against humanity in contemporary international law / Valentin Bou
  • Restoring the rule of law : ending official elite impunity for international crimes / Jordan Paust
  • L'exercice de la competence de la Cour penale internationale a l'egard des crimes commis au Darfour / Djamchid Momtaz
  • De la souverainete a la cooperation : l'emergence d'interets collectifs / Umberto Leanza
  • Interet collectif, lutte contre les changements climatiques et le defi de l'universalite / Laurence Boisson de Chazournes and Katerina Varfi
  • The implications of the principle of sustainable development in international environmental law / Jose Juste-Ruiz.