Item Description: | Includes bibliographical references (p. 163-181) and indexes. Partial contents: 1. Introductory Remarks. On Learning. On Nativism and Empiricism. OnEvolution. On Methods and Measures of the Contents of Consciousness andthe Unconscious. On Intelligence and Instruction. A Note on Terminology. A Rapid Historical Overview. A Personal Aside -- 2.Implicit Cognition: The Data Base. The Polarity Fallacy. On the Primacy of the Implicit. On Functionalism. Some Assumptions. Experimental Procedures. Empirical Studies of Implicit Learning. Methodological Issues in Implicit and Explicit Learning -- 3. Evolutionary Considerations: The Primacy of the Implicit. Some Introductory Remarks.The Evolutionist's Line. An Evolutionary Context for the Cognitive Unconscious. Hypothesized Characteristics of Implicit Systems -- 4.Implicit Issues: Some Extensions and Some Speculations. ImplicitLearning or Implicit Memory. On Rules. Knowledge Representation. OnConsciousness. Prediction and Generation of Events. Nativism and Empiricism. |