Large facilities in physics: 5th EPS international conference, University of Lausanne, Dorigny, Switzerland, 12-14 September 1994/

Other Authors: Jacob, Maurice, Schopper, Herwig F.
Format: Book
Published: Singapore: World Scientific, c1995
Item Description:Includes bibliographical references.
Contents: Introduction / H. Schopper -- Summary / M. Jacob -- Scientific andpolitical interests for large research instruments: 'There should be noillusions' / H. Curien -- Present and future particle physicsfacilities in Europe / C. Llewellyn Smith -- Particle physicsfacilities in the United States / S. Wojcicki -- Particle physicsfacilities in Asia / H. Sugawara -- Research and development prospectsfor linear colliders / B. H. Wiik -- Particle physics facilities fromthe user's point of view; the role of ECFA and ICFA / G. Flugge -- Highperformance computing and networking: large facility aspects / D. J.Wallace -- Controls of large physics facilities: status and prospects /A. Daneels -- Heavy ion physics in a worldwide perspective / H. J.Specht -- Lepton probes in nuclear physics / J. Arvieux -- Developmentsin multidetector high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometers in nuclearphysics / P. J. Twin -- European collaboration in nuclear physics: therole of NuPECC / P. Kienle.
Physical Description:x, 470 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.