The SAGE handbook of biogeography/

Other Authors: Blumler, Mark A., Schickhoff, Udo
Format: Book
Published: Los Angeles ; London: SAGE, 2011
Table of Contents:
  • 1. Situating contemporary biogeography / Andrew C. Millington, Mark A. Blumler, and Udo Schickhoff
  • Section I. Revisiting theories and concepts: 2. History of biogeographical thought / Mark A. Blumler, Anthony Cole, John Flenley, and Udo Schickhoff
  • 3. Diversity theories / Duane A. Griffin
  • 4. Theory in landscape ecology and its relevance to biogeography / John A. Kupfer
  • 5. Classification of biogeographical and ecological phenomena / Angelika Schwabe and Anselm Kratochwil
  • 6. The expanding role of phylogeography / Brett R. Riddle
  • 7. The biogeographical importance of Pleistocene refugia / Katherine J. Willis, Shonil A. Bhagwat, and Mary E. Edwards
  • Section II. Explaining distributions, gradients, and disturbances: 8. Biogeographical distributions: the role of past environments, physical factors, and biotic interactions / Udo Schickhoff
  • 9. Biodiversity gradients / Jens Mutke
  • 10. Explaining biogeographical distributions and gradients: floral and faunal responses to natural disturbances / Anke V. Jentsch and Carl Beierkuhnlein
  • 11. Fire and ecosystem function / Neal J. Enright
  • 12. Species response to contemporary climate change / Tim H. Sparks, Annette Menzel, Joseph Pen?uelas, and Piotr Tryjanowski
  • Section III. Reconsidering biomes and ecosystems: 13. Ecosystem dynamics of subpolar and polar regions / Ingo Mo?ller and Dietbert Thannheiser
  • 14. Forest ecosystem structure and disturbance dynamics across the circumboreal forest / Daniel Kneeshaw, Yves Bergeron, and Timo Kuuluvainen
  • 15. The ecosystem dynamics of tropical savannas / Jayalaxshmi Mistry
  • 16. Tropical forests: biogeography and biodiversity / Kenneth R. Young
  • 17. Dynamics of mountain ecosystems / Udo Schickhoff
  • 18. Biogeography of agricultural environments / Chris Stoate
  • 19. The biogeography of built environments / Claire Freeman
  • Section IV. Utilizing mapping and modelling: 20. Remote sensing for mapping biogeographical distributions: actualities and potentials / Giles M. Foody and Andrew C. Millington
  • 21. Remoting sensing for modeling biogeographic features and processes / Joanne M. Nightingale, Stuart R. Phinn, and Michael J. Hill
  • 22. Characterizing spatial pattern in biogeographical data / Thomas P. Albright, Monica G. Turner, and Jeffrey Cardille
  • 23. Predictive modeling of biogeographical phenomena / Niall G. Burnside and Stephen Waite
  • 24. Simulation / George P. Malanson
  • 25. Biocomplexity / Stephen J. Walsh, George P. Malanson, Joseph P. Messina, Daniel G. Brown, and Carlos F. Mena
  • Section V. Linking biogeography and society. 26. Ethnobotany / Robert Voeks
  • 27. Invasive species, in geographical perspective / Mark A. Blumler
  • 28. Bioindicators for ecological and environmental monitoring / Yordan Uzunov
  • 29. Historical biogeography as a basis for the conservation of dynamic ecosystems / Rob Marchant and David M. Taylor
  • 30. Habitat approaches to nature conservation / Geoffrey Hugh Griffiths and Ioannis Vogiatzakis
  • 31. Species approaches to conservation in biogeography / Patrick E. Osborne and Pedro J. Leitao.