Palaeobiogeography and biodiversity change: the Ordovician and Mesozoic-Cenozoic radiations/

Corporate Authors: Lyell Meeting Burlington House), Geological Society of London
Other Authors: Crame, J. A.
Format: Book
Published: London: Geological Society, c2002
Series:Geological Society special publications 194
Table of Contents:
  • Palaeobiogeography and the Ordovician and Mesozoic-Cenozoic biotic radiations / A.W. Owen & J.A. Crame
  • Brachiopods : Cambrian-Tremadoc precursors to Ordovician radiation events / M.G. Bassett, L.E. Popov & L.E. Holmer
  • Early Ordovician rhynchonelliformean brachiopod biodiversity : comparing some platforms, margins and intra-oceanic sites around the Iapetus Ocean / D.A.T. Harper & C. Mac Niocaill
  • Diversification and biogeography of bivalves during the Ordovician period / J.C.W. Cope
  • Phylogeny of the Reedocalymeninae (Trilobita) : implications for early Ordovician biogeography of Gondwana / S.T. Turvey
  • The spatial and temporal diversification of early Palaeozoic vertebrates / M.P. Smith, P.C.J. Donoghue & I.J. Sansom
  • Euconodont diversity changes in a cooling and closing Iapetus Ocean / H.A. Armstrong & A.W. Owen
  • The role of pyroclastic volcanism in Ordovician diversification / J.P. Botting
  • The early evolution and palaeobiogeography of Mesozoic planktonic foraminifera / M.B. Hart, M.J. Oxford & W. Hudson
  • Opening of the Hispanic Corridor and early Jurassic bivalve biodiversity / M. Aberhan
  • Cretaceous patterns of floristic change in the Antarctic Peninsula / D.J. Cantrill & I. Poole
  • Cenozoic palaeogeography and the rise of modern biodiversity patterns / J.A. Crame & B.R. Rosen
  • Palaeontological databases for palaeobiogeography, palaeoecology and biodiversity : a question of scale / P.J. Markwick & R. Lupia
  • Integrating the present and past records of climate, biodiversity and biogeography : implications for palaeoecology and palaeoclimatology / P.J. Markwick.