Reconceptualising the rule of law in global governance, resources, investment and trade /

Corporate Author: International Law Association. Regional Conference
Other Authors: Παζαρτζή, Φωτεινή,, Γαβουνέλη, Μαρία,, Γουργουρίνης, Αναστάσιος,, Παπαδάκη, Ματίνα,
Format: Book
Published: Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2016.
Table of Contents:
  • The transparency of global governance / Anne Peters
  • Between flexibility and stability : ad hoc procedures and/or judicial institutions? / Chiara Giorgetti
  • Domestic courts as compliance enforcers / Tomonori Mizushima
  • Towards reinforcing or contesting the vision of the rule of law? / Myriam Senn
  • Formation of international custom and the role of non-state actors / George D. Kyriakopoulos
  • Disaster relief in international law / Gabriella Venturini
  • After 60 years: international legal regime protecting the stateless persons : stocktaking and new tendencies / TamaÌ㠍olaÌ⠭- Responsibility to protect (R2P) and minorities / Vassilios Grammati
  • Responsibility to protect (R2P) and minorities / Vassilios Grammati
  • Governance of financial crises : a role for the international protection of economic and social rights? / Lorenza Mola
  • Recent regulatory initiatives in the ratings industry : CRA III and the ESMA proposals on structured finance, the performance
  • Of agencies and their fee arrangements / Emmanuel P Mastromanolis
  • The odious debt doctrine : the past and the challenges of the present / Georgios Nikolaides-Krassas
  • "Return of cultural treasures to their countries of origin" : principle or trend in cultural property law? / Irini Stamatoudi
  • The cultural heritage of mankind beyond UNESCO : the case of international financial institutions / Antonia Zervaki
  • Something fishy about fisheries : high seas fisheries and the common resource conundrum / Rosemary Rayfuse
  • Biodiversity, marine protected areas and areas beyond national jurisdiction / Antonios Antonopoulos
  • Turkish objections to exclusive economic zone agreements concluded by cyprus / Erik Franckx and Marco Benatar
  • Towards the acceptance of the equidistance rule in the delimitation of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone : the role of international jurisprudence / Maria Xiouri
  • Collective responsibility for water in Central Asia / Mindia Vashakmadze
  • International law, governance and trade of water services / Andreia Costa Vieira
  • The rule of law in international investment arbitration / August Reinisch
  • Three pillars of international public policy / Georgios Petrochilos
  • Abuse of rights in modern international investment arbitration : the rule of law revisited? : the practitioner's view / Stratis G Georgilas
  • Abstract interpretations in international investment law / Friedrich Rosenfeld
  • Regionalism and the constitutionalization of the wto / Dencho Georgiev
  • OPEC production quotas and the World Trade Organization / Paolo Davide Farah and Elena Cima
  • The role of the WTO in addressing regulatory pricing policies in the energy sector / Ilaria Espa
  • Legitimate countermeasures in international trade law and their illegality in international investment law / Junianto James Losari and Michael Ewing-Chow
  • Duplicating the trade law "spaghetti bowl" : increasing regionalisation and overlap of investment treaties : a review of state practice / Wolfgang Alschner
  • Most-favoured nation and national treatment in the EU and US regional trade agreements : tools for equal or discriminatory treatment? / Magdalena Slok-Wodkowska
  • Recent trends of common commercial policy of the European Union: from global to regional (and back?) in the governance of international economic order / Chiara Cellerino.