Quality of education : teachers professional training and development: the European Union and the SE European countries /

Corporate Authors: Κέντρο Εκπαιδευτικής ΄Ερευνας, Υπουργείο Εθνικής Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων, Κέντρο Εκπαιδευτικής Έρευνας
Other Authors: Κουλαΐδης, Βασίλης, Κουλαίδής, Βασίλης, Κουλαϊδής, Βασίλης
Format: Book
Published: Athens : Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs of Greece, 2004
Table of Contents:
  • Plenary session I. Chair: Alexis Dimaras
  • Aigli Zafeirakou. In-service training and teacher professional development in Europe: exploring central issues
  • Vasilis Koulaidis, Anastasia Kotsira. Quality assurance in education: self-evaluation process at the level of the school unit
  • Barbara MacGilchrist. Creating a national framework for assuring the quality of continuous professional development in England
  • Plenary session II. Chair: Ioannis Toutziarakis
  • Anna Frangoudaki. Educational challenges in the rapidly changing societies of today's Europe: the case of Greece
  • Henrik Nepper-Christensen. Quality assurance - the Danish model in a European context
  • Andreaw Shleicher. Indicators on the quality and equity of educational performance. Results from Pisa 2000
  • John Coolahan. The teaching career in the knowledge society: trends and challenges
  • Workshops
  • Workshop 1a-1b. Quality assurance and multiple providers for teachers in-service training and continuous professional development
  • Workshop 2. Quality assurance mechanisms - case studies
  • Workshop 3. Teachers training and continuous professional development I
  • Workshop 4. Quality assurance: good practices of school support action
  • Workshop 5. Teachers training & continuous professioanl development II
  • Workshop 6. The cross-thematic approach to teaching and learning of ICT and foreign languages: implications for the professional development of teachers
  • Workshop 7. The contribution of teachers and trainers to the quality of training in the European Union and Southeastern European countries
  • Workshop 8. Improving teacher preparation and professional development: country experiences from an international teacher policy review