Table of Contents:
- The logistics of gender from classical philosophy / Grainne McLaughlin
- Matriot games? Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi, and the forging of family-oriented political values / Judith P. Hallett
- Politics of inclusion/exclusion in Attic Tragedy / Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz
- Exemplary housewife or luxurious slut: cultural representations of women in the Roman economy / Suzanne Dixon
- Matronly patrons in the early Roman Empire: the case of Salvia Postuma / Margaret Woodhull
- Womenʹs influence on revenge in Ancient Greece/ Fiona McHardy
- A womanʹs influence on a Roman text: Marcia and Seneca / Rebecca Langlands
- Women and the transmission of Libyan culture / Eireann Marshall
- Galla Placidia: conduit of culture? / Mary Harlow
- Gender and cultural identity in Roman Egypt / Jane Rowlandson.