Tracing Orpheus : studies of orphic fragments: in honour of Alberto Bernabé /

Other Authors: Herrero de Ja?uregui, Miguel, Bernabe? Pajares, Alberto
Format: Book
Published: [Berlin] : De Gruyter, c2011
Series:Sozomena : studies in the recovery of ancient texts ; 10
Table of Contents:
  • The place of performance of orphic poetry (OF 1) / Jan N. Bremer
  • Lʹ e?criture de la voix enchanteresse dʹ Orphe?e (OF 1) / Claude Calame
  • Exclusive singing (OF 1a/b) / Fritz Graf
  • El buen me?dico y el me?dico ignorante (OF 1) / M. Dolores Lara
  • Echoes of the formula "Let the profane shut the doors" (OF 1) in two passages of Euripides / Sara Maci?as Otero
  • Ζεύς μούνος: philosophical monism and mythological monism (OF 12) / Julia Mendoza
  • Orphic theogonies and the goddess Isis in Apuleius (OF 14, 31 and 243) / Pilar Boned
  • Aristotle, Metaphysics 14.4: a problematic reference to orphism (OF 20 IV) / Toma?s Calvo Marti?nez
  • Comments on OF 22 / Gregory Nagy
  • Αιγυπτίων ιερός λόγος (OF 40-63) / Manuel Sa?nchez Ortiz de Landaluce
  • Dionysos dismembered and restored to life: the earliest evidence (OF 59 I-III) / Albert Henrichs
  • The gods who die and come back to life: the orphic Dionysus and his parallels in the Near-East (OF 59 I-III and 327 II) / Paola Corrente
  • Teilt Kaiser Julian dei kritische Sicht auf monstrose orphische Mythologeme mit den Christen? Beobachtungen zu Adversus Galilaeos fr. 4 Masaracchia (= OF 59 VII = Kyrill von Alexandrien Contra Iulianum 2.11) / Christoph Riedweg
  • The cosmic egg (OF 64, 79, 114) / Eugenio R. Luja?n
  • OF 111: χρόνος αγήραος / Roxana Beatriz Marti?nez Nieto
  • A hangover of cosmic proportions: OF 222 and its mythical context / Carolina Lo?pez-Ruiz
  • Heraclitus fragment B 52 DK (on OF 242) / Glenn W. Most
  • Titans in diaguise: the chalk in myth and ritual (OF 308) / Rosa Garci?a-Gasco Villarrubia
  • The role of Gypsum in orphism (OF 308) / O?scar Pato?n Cordero
  • Hecate, Letoʹs daughter, in OF 317 / Sara Iles Johnston
  • Dionysusʹ difinitive rebirth (OF 328 I) / Silvia Porres Caballero
  • From the heart and with a serpent: on OF 329 / Fa?tima Di?ez Platas
  • Presence in stoicism of an orphic doctrine on the soul quoted by Aristotle (De anima 410b 27 = OF 421) / Carlos Megino Gonza?lez
  • Non-musical notes on the orphic lyra (OF 417) / Francisco Molina Moreno
  • OF 437 and the transformation of the soul / Madayo Kahle
  • OF 443.2: ενάτωι έτει. The Delphic key / Emilio Sua?rez de la Torre
  • Do not drink the water of forgetfulness (OF 474-477) / Ana Isabel Jime?nez San Cristo?bal
  • Adnotatiunculae in lamellam Hipponensem (OF 474) / Jose? Joaqui?n Caerols
  • La limme divina dell lamina di Petelia (OF 476.8-10) / Marisa Tortorelli Ghidini
  • Festivals in the afterlife: a new reading of the Petelia tablet (OF 476.11) / Radcliffe G. Edmonds III
  • OF 485-486: On this day / Miguel Herrero de Ja?uregui
  • "Ram, you fell into the milk" (OF 485.5-486.4). Possible orphic echoes in a apulian image / Paloma Cabrera
  • En las redes de χρόνος. La peregrinacio?n inicial de las almas contaminadas (Plu. De facie 943C): sobre OF 487.6 / Aurelio Pe?rez Jime?nez
  • "I have reached the desired crown with swift feet" (OF 487.6) / Marco Antonio Santamari?a A?lvarez
  • The "Great Tablet" from Thurii (OF 492) / Ga?bor Betegh
  • OF 496: dialectical diversity in Macedon at the end of the fourth century BC / Emilio Crespo
  • Ad OF 496 / Yannis Z. Tzifipoulos
  • Reflejos del orfismo en Plutarco (OF 524, 358 II, 31 V; Epimen. fr. 43) / Rosa M. Aguilar
  • OF 531I, Sapph. fr. 58 Voigt y la "nueva Safo" / Elvira Gangutia
  • Un dio dai molti nomi (OF 540) / Gabriela Ricciardelli
  • OF 540 = Macrobio, Sat. 1.18.12 e inno orfico 52: Dioniso tra teogonia e attualita? religiosa / Giulia Sfameni Gasparro
  • Orfismo nel culto romano di Bona Dea (OF 584) / Attillio Mastrocinque
  • Note to OF 586: κρανιάρχης / Juan Rodri?guez Somolinos
  • Theophrastus, Characters 16.12: orphism or rhetoric? (OF 584) / Alberto Nodar Domi?nguez
  • Synesius, Dio 7 (OF 674) / Mari?a Paz Lo?pez Marti?nez
  • Critical notes to OF 683 / Felipe G. Herna?ndez Mun?oz
  • The etymology og Gk. ʹΕμπουσα (OF 713-716) / Juan Antonio A?lvarez Pedrosa Nu?n?ez
  • OF 750: frost or snow? / Helena Rodri?guez Somolinos
  • Greek επηετανός anf other possible compound of έτος "year" in ancient Greek (OF 773) / Jose? Antonio Berenguer-Sa?nchez
  • Τύχα in two lead tablets from Selinous (OF 380) / Raquel Marti?n Herna?ndez
  • Mu?sica y palabra en Orfeo (sobre OF 960) / Marcos Marti?nez
  • Heracles y Orfeo. Una relacio?n de por vida (sobre OF 1018 I) / Ricardo Olmos
  • Extraordinary Orpheus. The image of Orpheus and orphism in the texts of the paradoxographers (OF 1065, 787, 790, 793 and 794) / Irene Pajo?n Leyra
  • αμουσότερος Λειβηθρίων (OF 1069) / Fernando Garci?a Romero
  • Orpheus reunited with Eyrydice (on OF 1076-1077) / David Konstan and Pura Nieto
  • Orphism, cosmogony and genealogy (Mus. fr. 14) / Dirk Obbink
  • Linus, fr. 2: music and death / Mercedes Aguirre
  • The Derveni papyrus on Heraclitus (co. IV) / Walter Burkert
  • Eraclito e i Persiani nel papiro di Derveni (col. IV 10-14) / Franco Ferrari
  • Col. VI of the Derveni papyrus and the ritual presence of poultry / Jose? Luis Calvo Marti?nez
  • The castration of Uranus and its physical consequences in the Derveni Papyrus (cols. XIII and XIV) and the first stoic philosophers / Francesc Casadenu?s Bordoy
  • Okea?nos dans la colonne XXIII du papyrus de Derveni / Luc Brisson
  • Enigmatic hints at the hidden meaning of two central homeric passages. The Derveni-author as homeric philologist in PDerv. col. XXVI / Anton Bierl
  • Orphic hymn 37 / Christopher A. Faraone
  • Orphic hymn 86 " To dream": on orphic sleep and Philo / Sofi?a Torallas Tovar
  • La decisio?n de Orfeo (segu?n Cesare Pavese) / Carlos Garci?a Gual
  • Himno o?rfico a Zeus / Luis Alberto de Cuenca
  • El Orfeo de Ovidio en hexa?metros castellanos / Vicente Cristo?bal