Ancient marble quarrying and trade : papers from a colloquium held at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, San Antonio, Texas, December, 1986 /

Main Author: Fant, Clayton J.
Corporate Author: Archaeological Institute of America.
Format: Book
Published: Oxford, England : B.A.R., 1988
Series:BAR International Series ; 453
Table of Contents:
  • Fant , J.C. Introduction
  • Kozelj , Tony Les carrieres des epoques grecque , romaine et byzantin
  • Waelkens , M. - de Paepe , P. - Moens , L. Patterns of extraction and production in the white marble quarries of the Mediterranean : history , present problems and prospects
  • Walker , Susan and Matthews , Keith Recent work in stable isotope analysis of white marble at the British Museum
  • Kane , Susan E. Sculpture from Cyrene in Mediterranean context
  • Claridge , Amanda Roman statuary and the supply of statuary marble