Table of Contents:
  • Mylonas , G.E. History of the Committee for the Preservation of the Acropolis monuments
  • Dontas , G. Travaux sur lʹAcropole jusquʹa 1982.Presentation generale des problemes.La Rencontre Internationale pour la restauration de lʹErechtheion en 1977
  • Touloupa , E. Travaux sur lʹAcropole : Organisation et financement
  • Berger , Ernst Parthenonausstellung und Internationaler Partenonkongress in Basel
  • Brouskari , M.- Delivorrias , A.- Despinis , G. Recent research of the Acropolis sculpture
  • Skoulikidis , Th. Pollution atmospherique et corrosion de la surface du marbre du Parthenon.Observations et propositions
  • Bouras , Ch. The problems of conserving the Parthenon and the possibilities of improving the value of the monument.The principles which will guide the operation
  • Korres , M. Twelve programs for the restorarion of the Parthenon
  • Zambas , K. The problem of the Parthenonʹs earthquake resistance testing the existing situation and the restoration proposals in a stage of preparatory study