The philosophy of Socrates ; edited by K. J. Boudouris

Other Authors: Βουδούρης, Κωνσταντίνος I.,
Format: Book
Published: Athens: International Center for Greek Philosophy and Culture, 1991-1992
Series:Μελέτες στην Ελληνική Φιλοσοφία = Studies in Greek Philosophy ; 5, 8
Table of Contents:
  • v.1 On Platoʹs debt to Socrates: a skeptical view / W.E. Abraham - Socrates the hedonist / Jonathan Barnes - Socrates, the man /Frances Berenson - Socrate et les dieux. Ignorances et certitudes dʹ un position philosophique / Richard Bode?u?s - The socratic doctrine of "persuade and obey" / T.C. Brickhouse and N.D. Smith - Enchament and semantics in Platoʹs Eutydemus / Eve Browning-Cole - Sokrates, Pararmenides und Zenon / Giovanni Casertano - Xenophonʹs Socrates as a philosopher / William Charlton - Julianʹs portrait of Socrates / C.J. Classen - Socratic influences on Aristotleʹs ethical inquiry / John Cleary - Influences pythagoriciennes sur le Socrate. Des nue?es dʹAristophane / B. Decharneux - Socratic intellectualism and aristotelian criticism / Chr. Evangeliou - Pour une e?dition des sources antiques sur Socrate / G. Giannantoni - Socratic eros and philosophical activity / C. Georgiadis - Socrates and the infallibility of the crafts / Daniel W. Graham - Hemlock poisoning: twentieth century scientific light on the death of Socrates / Bonita Graves - Socrates is known through art / Florence Hetzler - Socratesʹ profession of ignorance and his claim to know Ta Erotika / Anna Maria Ioppolo - The philosophical implication of the daimonion of Socrates / Yasuo Iwata - Socratic hermeneutics and the pragmatist thesis / Angelo Juffras - Socratic empiricism / Patricia Kneg-Curd - Socrates and death / Steven Luper-Foy - Platoʹs Crito and Bhagavad Gita / K. Mallick - The virtues: mass terms or pauline predication? / Andra?s Ma?te? - Socrates, Protagoras and the unity of αρετή / John M. Michelsen - Let all be virtuous: radical Socrates and the concept of democracy / Debra Nails - Socratic and ionian worldviews / Arthur Nikelly - Socrates as an explorer of ergon and his successors / Chong-Hyun Park - Socrate: le sage et son demon / Agnes Pigler-Rogers - Plato, a source for the knowledge of the relationships between Socrates and Protagoras / Domingo Pla?cido - Socratic logic / Richard Purtill - Is there πρώτον αγαθόν in socratic philosophy? / David Robinson - Le nom de "Socrate" dans lʹ argumentation aristotelicienne / Pierre Rodrigo - Socrates on Ionʹs poetic representations / George Rudebusch - Knowledge in Platoʹs elenctic dialogues / Jose? G.T. Santos - The portrait of Socrates by Aristoxenus and Demetrius of Phaleron / Erk. Schwarzenberg - "To me, Callicles, it seems exceedingly earnest". On taking socratic irony seriously / Samuel Scolnicov - Did Socrates call himself a midwife? The evidence of the Clouds / David Sirer - Xenophonʹs Socrates on the Greek art revolution / Go?ram So?rbom - Dialogical dynamics, Socrates and source criticism / Victorino Tejera - Another look at the socratic problem of akrasia / Mary Tjiattas - The wisest of men: on Hegelʹs interpretation of Socrates / K. Verrycken - Nietzscheʹs Socrates / Joseph Vincenzo - Socrates in the age of artificial intelligence / Shigeru Yonezawa - Socrates on the analogy between virtue and craft / Yasumasa Yumoto - Virtue without gender in Socrates / P. Ward-Scaltsas - Tracing the socratic dialectic / Marian Wesoly - The masks of Socratesʹ protagorean argument in Platoʹs Euthyphro / Elinor J.M. West - Why Socrates would object to civil disobedience / Judy Wubnig
  • v.2 Socrates and Aristotle on the definability of moral entities / George Anagnostopoulos - Anaxagoras and Socrates / John P. Anton - Aristotleʹs solution to the problem of socratic elenchus / Robert Bolton - The socratic concept of truth / Donald Davidson - Another view on the aristophanic image of Socrates in Platoʹs Apology / Bernard Freydberg - Philosophy as art and act: Nietzscheʹs double Socrates / David Fortunoff - The Socrates of Platoʹs early dialogues / Edward Halper - Where does Socratesʹ fault lie? / Teruo Mishima - Socrates and others as epigonoi of Protagoras / Thomas M. Robinson - Socratic good and socratic happiness / Gerasimos Santas - Socratic justice / Theodore Scaltas