Table of Contents:
  • MacCormack, S. Loca Sancta: The organization os sacred topography in late antiquity
  • Wilkinson, J. Jewish holy places and the origins of christian pilgrimage
  • Sivan, H.S. Pilgrimage monasticism and the emergence of christian Palestine in the fourth century
  • Holum, K.G. Adrian and Saint Helena: imperial travel and the origins of christian Holy Land pilgrimage
  • Hahn, C. Loca Sancta souvenirs: Sealing the pilgrimʹs experience
  • Vikan, G. Pilgrims in Magiʹs clothing: The impact of Mimesis on early Byzantine pilgrimage art
  • Ousterhout, R. Loca Sancta and the architectural response to Pilgrimage
  • Ducan-Flowers, M. A pilgrimʹs ampulla from the shrine of Saint John the Evangelist at Ephesus
  • Bakirtzis, Ch. Byzantine ampullae from Thessaloniki