Table of Contents:
  • Cohen, M.N. An Introduction to the Symposium
  • Goodman, A.H. - Martin, D.L. - Armelagos, G.J. - Clark, G. Idications of Stress from Bone and Teeth
  • Angel, J.L. Health as a crucial factor in the changes from hunting to developed farming in the eastern Mediterranean
  • Meiklejohn, C. - Schentag, C. - Venema, A. - Key, P. Socioeconomic change and patterns of pathology and variation in the mesolithic and neolithic of western Europe: Some suggestions
  • Smith, P. - Bar-Yosef, O. - Sillen, A. Archaeological and Skeletal Evidence for Dietary Change during the Late Pleistocene / Early Holocene in the Levant
  • Rathbun, T.A. Skeletal Pathology from the Paleolithic through the Metal Ages in Iran and Iraq
  • Kennedy, K.A.R. Growth, Nutrition and Pathology in Changing Paleodemographic Settings in South Asia
  • Martin, D.L. - Armelagos, G.J. - Goodman, A.H. - Van Greven, D.P. The Effects of Socioeconomic Change in Prehistoric Africa: Sudanese Nubia as a Case Study
  • Buikstra, J.E. The Lower Illinois River Region: A Prehistoric Context for the Study of Ancient Diet and Health
  • Collins Cook, D. Subsistence and Health in the Lower Illinois Valley: Osteological Evidence
  • Goodman, A.H. - Lalo, J. - Armelagos, G.J. - Rose, J.C. Health Changes at Dickson Mounds, Illinois (A.D.950-1300)
  • Monod Cassidy, C. Skeletal Evidence for Prehistoric Subsistence Adaptation in the Central Ohio River Valley
  • Perzigian, A.J. - Tench, P.A. - Braun, D.J. Prehistoric Health in the Ohio River Valley
  • Larsen, C.S. Health and Disease in Prehistoric Georgia: The Transition to Agriculture
  • Rose, J.C. - Burnett, B.A. - Nassaney, M.S. - Blaeuer, M.W. Paleopathology and the Origins of Maize Agriculture in the Lower Mississippi Valley and Caddoan Culture Areas
  • Palkovich, A.M. Agriculture, Marginal Environments, and Nutritional Stress in the Prehistoric Southwest
  • Dickel, D.N. - Schulz, P.D. - McHenry, H.M. Central California: Prehistoric Subsistence Changes and Health
  • Norr, L. Prehistoric Subsistence and Health Status of Coastal Peoples from the Panamanian Isthmus of Lower Central America
  • Ubelaker, D.H. Prehistoric Human Biology of Equador: Possible Temporal Trends and Cultural Correlations
  • Allison, M.J. Paleopathology in Peruvian and Chilean Populations
  • Benfer, R.A. The Challenges and Rewards of Sedentism: The Preceramic Village of Paloma, Peru
  • Roosevelt, A.C. Population, Health and the Evolution of Subsistence: Conclusions from the Conference
  • Cohen, M.N. - Armelagos, G.J. Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture: Editorsʹ Summation