Orders: Description and roles= Ordres: Description et ro?les : in set theory, lattices, ordered groups, topology, theory of models and relations, combinatorics, effectiveness, social sciences: proceedings of the conference on ordered sets and their applications Cha?teau de la Tourette, l;Arbresle, July 5-11, 1982/

Corporate Author: Conference on Ordered Sets and Their Applications LʹArbresle, France)
Other Authors: Pouzet, Maurice, Richard, Denis
Format: Book
Published: Amsterdam: North Holland, 1984
Series:Annals of Descrete Mathematics (North Holland) / Peter L. Hammer ; North Holland Mathematics Studies ; 23
ΒιβλιοθήκηΤαξιθετικός αριθμόςΑριθμός ΑντιτύπωνΠληροφορίεςΚατάσταση
Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών511.32 COSTA1982 o 19841ΠροβολήOPAC