Indoor Air ʹ87 : proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Berlin (West) 17-21 August 1987 /

Corporate Author: International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate Berlin (West))
Other Authors: Seifert, Bernd
Format: Book
Published: Berlin: Institute for Water, Soil and Air Hygiene, 1987
Table of Contents:
  • V. 1. Volatile organic compounds, combustion gases, particles and fibres, microbiological agents
  • V. 2. Environmental tobacco smoke, multicomponent studies, radon, sick buildings, odours and irritants, hyperreactivities and allergies
  • V. 3. Developing countries, guaranteeing adequate indoor air quality, control measures, ventilation effectiveness, thermal climate and comfort, policy and strategies
  • V. 4. Plenary lectures, index