The Neolithic of Europe/
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Format: | Book |
Language: | English |
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Allen & Unwin,
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Table of Contents:
- Comsa, E. Les rapports entre les activites economiques et les types dʹ agglomerations et dʹ habitations neolithiques en Roumanie
- Kunchev, K. Rocks used for the production of neolithic adzes in Bulgaria
- Ljamic-Valovic, N. Einige gesichtsfoermige deckel der Vinca-Kultur aus Jugoslawien und Ruemanien
- Siklodi, C. The enclosure, a sign of territorial organization in the humgarian late neolithic, the non-urban way of development
- Jastrzebski, S. The south-eastern peripheries of the Funnel-Beaker culture
- Kadrow, S.- Bronicki, A. Majdan Nowy - a middle neolithic settlement in south-east Poland
- Kulczycka-Leciejewiczowa, A. The oldest neolithic communities in Poland
- Milisauskas, S.- Ktuk, J. Middle neolithic exchange systems and development of low level hierarchical societies in south-esatern Poland
- Behrens, H. Sozialoekonomische probleme des neolithikums
- Fedele, F.G. Mountain peopling in the neolithic: a view from the central Alps
- Pavelcik, J. Problems of the origin and periodisation of the Baden culture
- Rulf, J. Neolithic settlement and environment in Bohemia
- Zapotocky, M. Streitaexte der Trichterbecherkultur
- Davidson, I. The other side of the first frontier: escaped domestic animals, the introduction of agriculture to Spain and the identification of the origins of agriculture
- Gallis, K. Results of recent research in prehistoric Thessaly
- Geniola, A. The advanced neolithic and early copper age in Apulia
- Malone, C. Neolithic exchange and ritual networks in the central Mediterranean (5000-3000 b.C.)
- Olaria i Puoles, C. Nuevas aportaciones para el conocimiento del neolitico antiquo de la costa Mediterranea Espanola
- Walker, M.J. Society and habitat in neolithic and early bronze age south-east Spain
- Malmer, M.P. The neolithic pile dwelling of Alvastra, Sweden
- Mikkelsen, E. From hunters to settled farmers: neolithic economic change in Norway
- Simonsen, P. The Alta investigations, the ecological and organizational pattern of an area in arctic Norway in the late stone age
- Zammit, J. Approche de lʹ etat de sante des populations neolithiques
- Apsimon, A.M. Irish wedge tombs: bronze age or neolithic?
- Constantin, C. Le neolithique post-Rubane dans la moitie nord de la France et en Belgique (4000-35000 BC)
- Cooney, G. Irish neolithic settlement and its european context
- Oliveira Jorge, V. Les monuments megalithiques du nord du Portugal
- Beeching, A.- Brochier, L.- Matteucci, S. Espaces archeologiques et geographiques dans lʹ analyse dʹ une culture prehistorique
- Darvill, T. Settlement, subsistence and ritual diversity in the neolithic of Wales and the Mid-west of England
- Holgate, R. Neolithic settlemet of southern Britain
- Schofield, A.J. Prehistoric settlememnt and land use in central-southern England: evidence for continuity at the micro-regional scale