Proceedings Seventh International Congress International Association of Engineering Geology := Comptes-rendus Septieme Congres Internatioanal Association Internationale de Geologie de l' Ingenieur / : 5-9 September 1994, Lisboa, Portugal =/

Corporate Authors: International Association of Engineering Geology. Lisboa, Portugal) (International Congress (Proceedings)), International Association of Engineering Geology
Other Authors: Oliveira, R.
Format: Book
Published: Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema, c1994
Table of Contents:
  • Contents of vols 1-2: Developments in site investigation and in engineering geological mapping. Contents of vol. 3: Engineering geology and natural hazards. Contents of vol. 4: Engineering geology and environmental protection. Contents of vol. 5: Construction materials
  • Case histories in surface workings. Contents of vol. 6: Case histories in underground workings.
  • Workshop A: Information technologies applied to engineering geology
  • Workshop B : Teaching and training in engineering geology. Professional practice and registration.