Table of Contents:
  • Introduction : Globalization and environmental governance / Marybeth Long Martello and Sheila Jasanoff
  • Heaven and earth : the politics of environmental images / Sheila Jasanoff
  • Imperial science, imperial nature : environmental knowledge for the world (bank) / Michael Goldman
  • Resisting empire : globalism, relocalization, and the politics of knowledge / Clark A. Miller
  • The local, the global, and the Kyoto protocol / Cathleen Fogel
  • When global is local : negotiating safe use of biotechnology / Aarti Gupta
  • Transnational locals : Brazilian experiences of the climate regime / Myanna Lahsen
  • Localizing global change in Germany / Silke Beck
  • Social movements and environmental democratization in Thailand / Tim Forsyth
  • Merchants of diversity : scientists as traffickers of plants and institutions / Astrid Scholz
  • Knowing the urban wasteland : ecological expertise as local process / Jens Lachmund
  • Negotiating global nature and local culture : the case of Makah whaling / Marybeth Long Martello
  • Patching local and global knowledge together : citizens inside the US chemical industry / Alastair Iles
  • Ordering environments : regions in European international environmental cooperation / Stacy D. VanDeveer
  • Conclusion : Knowledge and governance / Sheila Jasanoff and Marybeth Long Martello.